My work as an educator and researcher at University of the Arts London is situated at the intersection of spatial, experiential and sensory practices. In my research, I explore sensory ecologies, how sensory phenomena contribute to the perception of environmental qualities conducive to our sense of connectedness and belonging, and my PhD investigated the personalisation of experience in the public interior to uncover principles that can contribute to visitors’ emotional attachment to place. I’m interested in deepening our understanding of qualitative practices bringing together physical space and lived experiences to create and maintain environments that are inclusive, welcoming and sustaining but also stimulating, enjoyable and fun, making daily life more rewarding and more connected. I regularly contribute to conferences and academic journals with published articles in Design Research Society, Sociétés: revue des sciences humaines et sociales, AMPS (Architecture Media Politics Society), Ambiances tomorrow 3rd International Congress, IDEA journal and a chapter in Interior Futures.
I am passionate about teaching and learning, with a keen interest in experiential learning pedagogies, and the recipient of three UAL Outstanding Teaching Awards. I am a Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy with leadership experience in the development and management of design programmes, and I contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate courses across disciplines ranging from interior and spatial design to user experience design. I also develop collaborations with universities and organisations, including a project with Mużew Nazzjonali tal-Arti in Malta (Malta National community art museum) published by Universities UK International, and a study with Politecnico di Milano and Piazza Grace, an integrated day care centre for people with Dementia in Milan, Italy. This project was published in the LearnXDesign 2023, Futures of Design Education conference proceedings. I am a member of the Space and Place Research Hub at London College of Communication and Cumulus Design for Placemaking research group at Politecnico di Milano.
Key interests: Experiential research and design, sensory ecologies, sensing and emotions, embodied experiences, individual and collective wellbeing.